

A plan for our enduring excellence

Much has happened since the launch of our 2020 Strategic Plan. The world has been shaken by multiple crises. In addition, many independent schools are in upheaval. But Blue Ridge School has remained Baron Strong. We have turned crises into opportunities and challenges into strengths. 现在, expanding on that foundation, 美高梅官方网正在向前迈进,以领导新一代的男孩从一个权力和永久的位置. 

In October 2020, the Blue Ridge School Board approved a bold plan for 2025. It includes strengthening bonds within our community, a broader embrace of diversity, fortifying our remarkable faculty, a dedication to curricular innovation, 对我们的资产进行负责任的管理——所有这一切都是为了保证无数代人都能上学, 一个家, and a foundational experience that is expressly built for boys.

Our mission here is singular and special. We want to ensure that our unique approach to learning, our indelible relationships, 我们非凡的遗产将继续造福于你们的子孙后代. 我们请求你们加入我们的使命,拥抱你们作为终身男爵的角色.


Fuel the relationships that make us unique and strong.

The Blue Ridge School experience is lifelong. The bonds boys develop here with faculty, 工作人员 and their fellow Barons follow them through college, 他们的职业生涯, and their family lives. So, to continue to grow those relationships and strengthen those bonds, we pay special attention to uncovering the resilience, 完整性, and fearlessness that make each boy the right fit to be a Baron. Our curriculum may be rigorous, our character education may be challenging, and our brotherhood may require taking chances on others, 但在美高梅官方网的经历是终身会员,会给你带来强大的人脉, self-directed thinking, and values that are driven by empathy, 开放的思想, and a lifelong connection to the continual pursuit of optimal potential. Boys come here to prepare for college. They leave prepared for life.


You see a lot of successful entrepreneurs among the Blue Ridge community. 他们给你灌输了一种微妙的自信,这种自信在你毕业后会一直伴随着你. You are confident to go out on your own and take risks.



Strengthen our welcoming and inclusive culture.

美高梅官方网重视我们在男孩、教师和员工之间培养的关系. And a commitment to DEIJ—diversity, 股本, inclusion and justice—is essential to healthy relationships on campus. Blue Ridge School has a long history of diversity and inclusion, welcoming boys from over a dozen countries each year. But we define diversity and inclusion more broadly than that. It’s about religion, ethnicity, learning, and social differences, too. Beyond the person-to-person inclusion, 这也是为了确保我们的系统是公平的,每个人都有宾至如归的感觉. We want Blue Ridge boys to develop into men who are global citizens, 文化表达, and are prepared to work, live and thrive in a world that is increasingly more diverse and integrated.


BRS prepared me for life. Having teammates and classmates from Korea, 中国, 法国——世界各地——帮助我学会了不同的观点和不同的思维过程. After a while, they are no longer classmates. 他们是兄弟.



Recruit and retain a remarkable faculty.

年轻人是关系学习者,深受成年人和他们生活中的关系的影响. 这一点在我们这样的登机环境中显得尤为重要. 结果是, our faculty is asked to perform in extraordinary ways, 作为男孩们的导师和知己,在下班后随时待命. We believe we have a stellar faculty and, in order to ensure future excellence, we must focus on their work/life balance, professional development, compensation packages, diversity and inclusion, 和工作环境,使美高梅官方网成为一个地方,我们的教职员工可以茁壮成长的专业和个人. These and other investments not only enrich the lives of our boys, 他们还把美高梅官方网打造成最有前途和才华的教师的首选学校.


As an educator, I know students rise to the level of expectation. Blue Ridge School had high expectations for me. I rose from an average student to exceptional during my time there. 这与我所上的课无关,更多的是不辜负每个人对我的信任.



Focus on continuous curricular innovation.

Blue Ridge School applies the business concept of 改善- - - - - -continuous improvement—to our curriculum. 我们将继续开发一个完全沉浸式的项目,让每个男孩都能发挥出最好的一面. 我们将继续发挥我们的优势,使美高梅官方网在年轻人发展方面保持全国领先地位. And our focus will remain on the whole boy, emphasizing academic rigor alongside character development. 同时, 我们将朝着课程创新和绩效评估的精通模式迈进,这种模式涵盖了对男孩成就——性格——的更广泛的看法, 信心, 批判性思维, 社会技能, time management and growth. 这种方法将确保我们的课程不断改进,以满足大学的新需求, 企业, individuals and society.


Before Blue Ridge, I had no balance. It was either social life or academics and I was always choosing. 但在美高梅官方网,我学会了平衡学术、体育、领导和社会生活. 你的每一天都是结构化的,你学会了什么是真正的平衡,你可以在适当的时间做所有的事情.

Ali Tejani, 21岁


Preserve, steward and improve the School’s assets.

美高梅官方网的两个主要资产是我们的校园和捐赠基金. We seek to improve the St. 乔治校园, making it more beautiful and sustainable than ever, 同时将新设施投资重点放在将产生最大影响的领域. 由于我们对财务资源的负责任的管理,我们的财务状况良好. 从历史上看, 该学院一直依赖学费作为主要收入来源——鉴于成本上升和市场波动,这种做法的风险越来越大. Looking to the future, 美高梅官方网必须通过多样化我们的收入来源,积极走向财政自给自足, 控制成本, 在那些重视我们所做的事情的人中间培养一种强大的慈善文化.


蓝岭有合适的计划,合适的课程,合适的老师和合适的员工. 这种情况持续了下来,这是一件好事,因为很多男孩都需要像蓝岭这样的学校. I’m thankful that it is still available to them.

Julian Van Winkle III ’69